Winter Its raining out tonight And the wind is blowing hard With Winter now in sight Losing sunshine will be hard The trees are bucking crazily As the tempest blows right through The sky is dark, it’s hard to see There’s nothing more to do It’s the stormy Winter Season Showing off its awesome might …

The Road Ahead
Your soul awoke and the road looked rough You weren’t sure where to roam You knew your journey would be tough A hard-fought struggle to make it home It was hard to know which way to go Which path was short or long But along the way you came to know Which choices would be …

My Crumbling Wall
Feelings roll down like a rushing stream Long trapped behind a crumbling wall That held them there as in a dream To hide where none could see at all He didn’t know where they came from He didn’t know he could speak out He didn’t know that they were wrong He didn’t know how loud …

Conflicting Paths
There are too many paths ahead But can I choose only one My feelings are confused by loyalty I no longer know what is real Something changed when I met you But are those feelings real If you are real what a gift that could be I could keep you in my heart forever I …